Aries Zodiac Sign
March 21 - April 19

You're in the money! A New Moon in your earned income sector on May 7 opens up an exciting opportunity for you to ask for a raise, launch that side hustle, or raise your rates if you're already in working for yourself. You could also successfully launch a product or service in an established business. The more this gets you out of your comfort zone, the more successful it can be. That's because on May 18, Venus and Uranus will make a gorgeous connection to each other in your resourceful 2nd house. With the Sun conjoining Jupiter here on the same day, you can be sure that whatever financial surprise comes your way, it will be a good one!

Once Venus enters your 3rd House of Siblings and Neighbors on May 23, a romantic connection might develop between you and someone who lives nearby. Alternatively, a sibling may set you up with someone. Be open, as you could feel an immediate intellectual spark with their candidate.

As Jupiter enters your excitable 3rd house on May 25, you're invited to expand your horizons by taking more short trips and traveling locally.


Taurus Zodiac Sign
April 20 - May 20

Your time has arrived! The universe is showering you with so many extraordinary blessings from a variety of directions. On May 7, a New Moon in your sign will infuse you with the promise of a new dawn in your personal life story. You're ready to start something connected to your identity, personal appearance, or close relationships. With Venus and Jupiter in your sign, everything you touch will practically turn to gold.

A sudden fortunate event connected to your love life or your financial situation could take place near May 18 when Venus and Uranus conjoin in Taurus AND the Sun and Jupiter align in your sign. This is truly a spectacular day, one when you can anticipate many blessings. Buy a lottery ticket, ask someone out on a date, or launch an important career or other project at this time. Take advantage of your cosmic fortune!

Then, on May 23, right before Venus enters Gemini, both Venus and Jupiter will make a conjunction in Taurus. This is another incredibly lucky day. Between May 18 and May 23, you're likely to wonder if the generosity of the universe is almost too good to be true. Newsflash: it's not!

Gemini Zodiac Sign
May 21 - June 20

Get ready to become the clear celestial favorite, with good fortune being thrown at you every which way! Until mid-May, you'll be drawn to search your soul in an effort to figure out where you want to direct the extraordinary energy that is coming around May 23.

That's when a Full Moon in your partnership sector illuminates your current love life. You and your love interest are capable of deepening your commitment to each other. Single? There is every indication that new love is on the horizon. On the very same day, Venus enters your sign and will make an immediate sextile to inspirational Neptune. Soul-deep love can be yours!

Then, on May 25, prosperous Jupiter enters Gemini for the first time in twelve years! This is big news and is the key reason you're about to experience a major growth spurt in all areas of your life. Your confidence is renewed and any relationships you begin (romantic or otherwise) have an extra special blessing connected to them. The world is your oyster, so go ahead and begin a larger-than-life project or put yourself out there in a way you never have before.

Cancer Zodiac Sign
June 21 - July 22

You're about to become a social butterfly! A gorgeous New Moon in your 11th House of Alliances on May 7 will open up doors for you to network, meet people, and make friends. With Venus moving through the same part of your chart and making an electrifying connection to Uranus on May 18, there could also be a romantic surprise coming your way while you're attending a social event. It's also possible that a friend will throw you off guard by suggesting that the two of you should go out on a date.

A Full Moon in your work sector on May 23 could bring the ending to a major project you've been working on. Once you feel ready to share this with others, there's every indication that it will be well-received.

Spiritual enlightenment becomes profound towards the end of the month. Jupiter enters your subtle 12th house on May 25, which will bring expansion to the most private parts of your life. You may cherish time alone more than usual, as it will allow you to explore your faith or intuition on a deeper level. Hidden cosmic protection is another blessing from Jupiter during this phase.


Leo Zodiac Sign
July 23 - August 22

Professional "wins" are potentially becoming the rule rather than the exception -- so much so that you might jump for joy! This month, that trend continues, thanks to a New Moon at the top of your chart on May 7. This lunation brings a magnificent career opportunity your way, one you could quickly monetize. That's because Venus will make a gorgeous conjunction to Uranus in the same area of your chart on May 18. This is all about unexpected financial gains in your career or a surprise chance to showcase the very best of your talents.

You can also look forward to remarkable happenings in your love life. A Full Moon on May 23 illuminates your romance sector. Single? You may realize that there's been a dating prospect in front of you all along. If you're in a love connection, it's about to get even sweeter. Baby news could even be in the near future! As Jupiter enters your 11th House of Friendship on May 25, your life might be practically overflowing with blessings. Your social contacts could seemingly be lining up to support you. It's possible that your greatest dream will come true!

Virgo Zodiac Sign
August 23 - September 22

You might be focused on expanding your horizons early in the month. There are many ways to accomplish this, but you may have your thoughts centered around travel or academic opportunities -- especially near the New Moon on May 7. It's time to plan any vacations abroad you've wanted to take or enroll in an advanced degree or certification program that you know will boost your brainpower.

Rapid romantic opportunities might come your way near the Venus-Uranus conjunction on May 18. The person who approaches you could be the last person on the planet you'd expect to be interested. You'll be intrigued! That said, your attention is tugged toward domestic matters near the Full Moon on May 23 in your family sector. This could bring emotional news from a relative asking for aid. They may need some support relocating -- or maybe you're the one who's moving out.

The headline news for May, however, occurs on May 25, when extravagant Jupiter enters your career sector for the first time in twelve years. You can look forward to major professional advancement between now and next May. Whether you're hunting your dream promotion or launching a business, success is achievable.


Libra Zodiac Sign
September 23 - October 22

Money is coming your way -- and it could be significant. A New Moon on May 7 fills your 8th House of Shared Resources with remarkable potential. You might initiate a plan to earn passive income, and if so, it has amazing success written all over it. Another possibility is that you'll get a job where you make money through commissions or royalties. If you're already at a place you love, it's possible that a generous bonus check is on the way. You might even receive a financial windfall on May 18, when Venus and Uranus connect in your 8th house. Exciting!

A big change is on the horizon for your romantic prospects after May 23, when Venus moves into your inspiring 9th house. Watch for dating prospects, and visualize the kind of person with whom you can develop a deep intellectual and spiritual connection. If you're in a relationship already, you and your sweetheart might decide to plan a trip abroad. International travel is very likely for you, thanks to providential Jupiter entering your 9th house on May 25. Get packing!

Scorpio Zodiac Sign
October 23 - November 21

Your love life is full of deep, satisfying substance and topped off with delightful surprises this month. A New Moon on May 7 lands in your partnership sector, promising sensual delights from a partner or a chance at a connection with real staying power. If you're already attached, your sweetheart may remind you how much you're cherished. If single, there's every indication that love is on the way. Pay attention to any potential opportunities for romance near May 18 when Venus and Uranus connect in your partnership sector.

A Full Moon in your earned income zone on May 23 could bring a change in your circumstances. It doesn't have to be a loss, so don't make that assumption. Depending on what's going on in your life, you might find yourself in a position to strengthen your finances by transitioning into a situation where you make even more money! In fact, as auspicious Jupiter enters your 8th House of Shared Resources on May 25, you're possibly about to become quite fortunate in financial matters. Investments should do well -- you might even be in line for a grand windfall!


Sagittarius Zodiac Sign
November 22 - December 21

Work will be the universe's focus early in the month -- but by the end of May, your love life receives extraordinary attention! A New Moon in your work sector on May 7 marks the best time to put out your resume and schedule any interviews. You'll probably snap something up quickly -- and you'll love it!

A Full Moon in your sign on May 23 puts a spotlight on you. You might be more sensitive than usual around this time, but the silver lining to this vulnerability will be your ability to openly express your true feelings. If there's something you need to get off your chest, this is the time. Alternatively, you might make a change to your physical appearance. On the same day, Venus enters your partnership sector.

By May 25, Jupiter, your sign's ruling planet, moves into the same part of your chart. This cosmic line-up promises brilliant blessings in love and relationship matters. Magnanimous Jupiter will be here for an entire year, so get used to the goodies. You could get engaged or married. Even if you're completely single, you may meet the love of your life!

Capricorn Zodiac Sign
December 22 - January 19

Your creativity is about to reach new heights. A gorgeous New Moon on May 7 supports beginning any creative endeavor -- as long as it's something that brings joy to your heart. Since this lunation falls in your romantic 5th house, there is also the potential for single Capricorns to enter a relationship. If you're coupled, there could be news about a baby on the way! Already a parent? Get ready for a happy development for one of your children.

Romantic potential reaches an exciting culmination on May 18 when Venus and Uranus meet up in the same part of your chart. A "love at first sight" meeting is possible -- lucky you! If you've already settled down, your mate could step out of their comfort zone to prepare a romantic surprise for you.

Work gets busy once Jupiter moves into your productive 6th house on May 25. Thankfully, it should be more satisfying than ever. You might land on so many job opportunities that you'll be spoiled for choice! Your relationships with current colleagues or employees could also improve dramatically. Harmony at the workplace means you'll be even more productive.

Aquarius Zodiac Sign
January 20 - February 18

Your domestic life continues to thrive this month! Plenty of exciting new developments are possible. Thanks to a stunning New Moon in your homey 4th house on May 7, there might be an opportunity to invest in real estate or to relocate. If you're already living in the home of your dreams, this is a great window of opportunity to start a home renovation project. Hire a new contractor, decorator, landscaper, or even a housekeeper after this New Moon -- you'll probably be very pleased!

Friendship is highlighted during the Full Moon on May 23. There's the potential that a pal will require your emotional support around this time. Conversely, you might be so busy that you decide to step back from a group you're a member of to clear some space in your calendar.

By May 25, love is in the air! Lucky Jupiter enters your romance sector at this time and will remain here for a full year. If single, you'll have extraordinary prospects to meet your true love. If coupled, there are countless ways to deepen your relationship. With Jupiter in Gemini, you'll have options. What will you choose?

Pisces Zodiac Sign
February 19 - March 20

Love might arrive when you're not looking. If love is the last thing on your mind, you may be in for a pleasant surprise this month. On May 18, Venus will connect to Uranus, the planet of shock, which is presently in your communication sector. This could point to a sudden declaration of love from the person you'd least expect or a happenstance meeting with someone you're instantly attracted to as you go about your day. If you've already settled down, your honeymoon phase might start all over again. Either way, you'll probably be captivated!

On another subject, you might be in the spotlight professionally near the Full Moon on May 23. There's a strong potential for you to receive an award or other honor for one of your achievements. When you work hard, you deserve to be rewarded!

Then, as lucky Jupiter moves into your home sector on May 25, domestic bliss can absolutely be yours! You could move into a bigger home or renovate your current one. If you rent, try enacting some renter-friendly DIYs. This is a good time to purchase real estate -- just ensure you keep your budget in mind.
